Deciding to become parents can be very exciting and challenging at the same time.
We knew when starting this journey there will be no turning point.
That’s why, we’ve decided to take our time before embarking in the parenthood journey.
To be very honest, my hubby was a bit hesitant because he knew there would be a lot of changes.
Well, of course I knew that but I didn’t want this to stop us having at least one child.
I do like challenges.
Tell me about that! With my son I have got plenty!
Below, I will share with you 4 truths about parenthood that you must know so that it will hopefully help you making wise decision.
Let’s start…
#1 Truth: Being ready on different level
Ready Physically
It might seem logical to say that if I’ve planned to start a family, it means that I was ready.
Well, there is one thing to say that I was ready and another thing to realize that when you get there, you wish you could have done things slightly differently.
While you are actually in the journey of parenthood, you realize how important it is to be ready physically.
Being ready physically is very crucial because you will have little sleep from the time you get pregnant to the time baby is here. And that will remain for quite a few years.
So, being fit first would make sense as you want to be strong for your child. Later, you will have to run after him everywhere.
And, yo won’t believe how fast toddlers can run!
Ready Emotionally
Having the baby blues after the arrival of your baby is totally fine and normal.
However, you could become very emotional later on if you feel overwhelmed or/and you find it too challenging.
At the beginning of the journey, I found myself very sensitive some days. I would have loved to have some family around but I am alone with my husband and son.
Imagine being very tired, and in top of that you are having a baby who cries or even scream very often.
How would you feel?
So, you can understand that at some point you feel psychologically exhausted.
But, you might argue that not all babies scream very often.
Fair enough.
You might become very emotional during the motherhood if you feel that your life has changed dramatically. You end up with almost no social life. If, you were an active person and independent, and all a sudden, you are just there with your baby.
You might think that your life will never be the same.
Sorry to tell you that you are right. Things won’t be the same.
But, all you will have to do is to adapt to your new life and make it enjoyable.
#2 Truth: Life will be very different
If you have a baby who is calm and doesn’t scream very often for no apparent reason (like mine), chances are that you will be able to enjoy quiet moments. Therefore, you will be able to achieve things.
For me it wasn’t the case, my son didn’t give me any chance to do whatsoever. I won’t say there were never occasions but it was rare.
I miss the time prior to be a mother to just lie down with a good book. Or watching an entire season of a TV series during a weekend.
Also, you cannot just pop out a few minutes like that anymore to go to the supermarket.
When you plan to go out for a long time, you need to prepare baby and his bag, then yourself.
Until today, when I have to go outside for a few hours with my son who is already 23 months, I need a good 2 hours preparation.
This is for preparing him and myself, plus feeding him and also preparing his bag.
#3 Truth: A baby is very selfish
Sorry to be that blunt but babies are selfish.
I know that no one want to speak like this about babies.
Even though they are adorable that doesn’t make them less selfish.
I can’t believe my son who can understand now doesn’t care if I say to wait a few minutes before fulfilling his needs.
He wants things to be done at the minute he asks otherwise he will have a tantrum.
What I found incredible with my son was that if he cannot sleep he won’t let me even lie down in bed while he can play with his toys. He generally sits on my head or roll over me until I sit and look after him.
One more truth to come…
#4 Your relationship can be at risk
Not so many people mention that when you start this parenthood journey that your relationship with your partner can be at risk.
In my family only, there were three separations as soon as a child enters into their life.
There is so much things going on there that people underestimate the task ahead.
Most of the time, men want to behave the same way as they have no kids. The problem is this time is over. You cannot let your partner do everything and pretend that she can handle it.
Even if, she has chosen not to work for an employer, being a mother is a full time job.
And even worse, she has no break, no week-end. It’s 24h/7 non stop.
In addition, your intimate life won’t be the same, when you are exhausted after a long day with baby, how can you stay awake?
There are more than 4 truths but those mentioned above are the most important to have in mind when starting the journey of parenthood.