Exercises Post Pregnancy Belly


It has been said that a baby needs almost a year to be properly formed therefore we need another one to get back into shape and lose the post pregnancy belly fat.


There is always exception to the rule; some ladies are very lucky because a few days after giving birth, they get back their flat tummy!
I have a cousin like this, even after two pregnancies, she went back to her previous shape: slim and flat belly!


How unfair! Anyway, lucky her and those who have no trouble to lose post pregnancy belly fat.


Well, for me it is very different. It has been over a year and almost two years that I gave birth. And my tummy today is still not flat.
Ok, I have to admit that prior to my pregnancy, it has never been very flat but I didn’t look like an expectant lady.
And, today it is the case. If you see me (without my baby) you might think that I am three months pregnant. So, frustrating!


To make matter worse, I have fibroids, a big one and small others. They have grown while I was pregnant. Anyway, the big one is still big and I can feel it. I still do not know how to deal with this problem. The point I am trying to make here is this fibroid does not make my tummy any flatter.


Nevertheless, I am determined to get rid belly fat pregnancy.


Below, I have selected relevant videos on YouTube that will provide with some exercises and tips for post pregnancy belly fat.


12 Minute Post Natal Core Workout

Source: Youtube video by BodyFit by Amy




Exercises For C-section Moms – Tummy Tightner After C-Section

Source: Youtube video by the Skinny mom

NB: Picture by © Ichtor