Are Post Pregnancy Vitamins Important?


Multi Prenatal Depending on your symptoms, post pregnancy vitamins are very important and should not be underestimate.

A few days after giving birth, I started feeling pain in my joints, particularly at the knees and at my fingers.
I was quite surprised and wondered whether it was another surprise related to pregnancy that nobody talked about.

So, I didn’t worry too much about it and was rather focus of my new role as a mom.

Post Pregnancy: Pain cannot be ignored!

However, ache in your body is not something you can ignore when the pain continue to increase. I thought I must investigate a bit more about the post pregnancy symptoms.
I first checked with my family, if she experienced pain in her body because in the same year one of my sisters had a baby as well ten days earlier than me. Plus, my niece who is much younger than me gave birth a month earlier.
They both did not feel any pain in the body.

Could it be age?

At this point, I even thought that my age had to do something with it. I thought:
That it, I am now 40 years old and here are the sign that I am ageing!
It cannot be!
I was totally fine prior to my pregnancy and 40 years old or not I am still young.

Baby’s taking away what he needs!

After the second to third week, the pain was still there. And, I just couldn’t continue like this singulair pill.
Imagine, I was very tired, I needed to adapt to my new life so I didn’t want to have an extra issue to think about. I thought I had already enough on my plate.
When I mentioned to a sister of mine (got a lot of sisters) who is a naturopath about my problem. She told me that my son was taking away what he needed for his development.
Waoh! Unbelievable. As simple as that!

Post-Pregnancy Vitamins for supporting mom’s health

So, I had to make sure that I had the right amount of nutrients for myself and for little one.
A few days later, after taking prenatal (good as well for lactating women) multivitamin, I felt an improvement in my body. Actually, I still take it today, there are high in folic acid, iron and zinc.

The aching eventually went away a week later.
I t is unbelievable how vitamins play a major role in our health.
As a new mom, our first instinct is to make sure that our child is well. Of course, this is our priority. However, we should be fit in order to look after our baby properly.

Therefore, we have to make sure we have sufficient nutriment, vitamins and exercises to stay as much as healthy possible.

Needless to mention that any postpartum symptoms must be discussed with your doctor.

Finally, post pregnancy vitamins can be as much as important than prenatal supplement. Make sure you ask your healthcare practitioner some advice before taking any vitamins especially if you are breastfeeding.


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